Appeal Property Tax

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Please note the following change in the status of my property:
 County Tax Account Number:
Street Address: 
Email:     This is a new email.
 My new mailing address is:
Property Owner:  Individual   Corporation   Other 
Last Name:  

First Name:   Middle Initial: 
Firm Name (as reflected on county property tax records): 
Corporate Officer authorized to name tax Agents:
Last Name:  

First Name:   Middle Initial: 
Corporate Title: 
City:    State:    Zip Code: 
 My new phone number is:
Home:   Work:  Ext:

 Please note the following modifications to the property including change of use,
      additions/removals, and structural defects:
 The property is currently listed for sale. The asking price is:
 I no longer own the property. The property sold on (closing date):